This month is about your approach to perennials coming to the end of their season. A really good idea I think is "de-browning" - that is removing any petals that are browned off rather than removing the whole flower. Dealing with Rudbeckia this way is really effective and you'll be surprised how this keeps the remaining flowers looking so much better. A good rule of thumb is "if it's standing - keep it, if it's fallen - remove it". So I remove any mushy leaves but importantly I'm looking to retain any with autumn colour or with lovely seedheads, many of which come in a range of eye-catching shapes and textures. Beautiful when covered with frost, they also provide food and shelter for wildlife during the winter. Particularly lovely are Phlomis russeliana, Lunaria annuua, Veronia arkansana, Eryngium gigantea and Echinops ritro

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